Monday Velocity - Tell Your Story

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Tell Your Story

Your unique experiences likely make you an ideal candidate for certain tasks in your life and career. The sad reality is we often shy away from our unique experiences. We see our non-standard paths as weaknesses and not strengths. If we learn to tell our own stories, to share our perspectives, then we can unlock better opportunities for ourselves.

Part of this hesitation is the aversion many of us have to “sales” in the classical sense. But stop and think about just how often we need to sell in life: we convince a school to accept us, we convince a job to hire us, we convince others of our ideas and viewpoints, we give presentations and vie for promotions. The art of selling pops up in almost every facet of our professional lives.

I was hesitant to sell myself as I changed career paths and as I continue to chart my own course. It wasn’t until friends of mine convinced me that my diverse work background was a feature and not a bug that I started to lean into it. The lessons I had learned from my time spent “in the arena” continue to serve me well in high-pressure, professional situations. Learning to showcase these strengths continues to lead to more opportunities that I was never aware of before.

Think about your life experience. Think about your unique background. What about your story sets you apart from your peers? What hobbies, challenges, odd jobs, and life choices can aid you in your current path? Better yet, how can those same experiences help you chart a new, better path?

Everything we have encountered, learned, endured, and faced helps us build and bolster a new set of skills and strengths. We are the sum total of our experiences, and these almost always make us more useful and more capable. Our shyness and our lack of willingness to share these experiences hampers our ability to progress.

Be proud of the choices you have made. If you succeeded, they highlight a willingness to make decisions and double down. If you failed, they highlight resiliency and the ability to bounce back. Either way, reflect on your unique path and be willing to share your story.

Learn to sell yourself, your path, and the experiences that have shaped you into who you are today. You may not realize that the perspective you find boring and mundane is likely revelatory to those who haven’t walked in your shoes. Telling your story can unlock the career you’ve dreamed of and give you opportunities that may change your life for the better.

Hit List

The best things I've encountered this week:

What I'm playing around with: Tim Ferris AI

I’ve shared and used the Huberman AI in the past, and this is a similar one built for Tim Ferris’ content. You can ask it questions about anything Tim has covered, spoken about, or about guests he has interviewed. I’ve found it to be another cool and helpful AI tool.

What I'm reading: 10 Lessons from 10-Year College Reunion” by Sahil Bloom

I enjoyed this list of lessons learned from Sahil’s recent 10-year Stanford college reunion. Some of my personal favorites were his point about the Medici Effect (which I try to embrace in my own life) and about identity being the real thing we are all searching for.

What I'm also reading:Fall into Self-Care: Your Ultimate Wellness Guide” from OSF Healthcare

This was a concise guide on some effective strategies for embracing health and wellness in the fall. Focusing on activities that you can do to improve your physical health in a social setting are great ways to make these new habits stick.

Screenshot of the Week:

Quote of the Week:

"Following your genuine intellectual curiosity is a better foundation for a career than following whatever is making money right now." - Naval Ravikant

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When you're ready, here are a few ways I can help you:

  1. Check out the latest episodes of my podcast 🎙
  2. Apply for 1-on-1 coaching 🏆
  3. Purchase my goal-setting templates 🚦

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Justin Wright

Former chemist, former pro athlete, and current film producer sharing the lessons I've learned along the way.

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