
Justin Wright

Monday Velocity - Healthy Imbalance

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

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Accomplish your goals this year!

If you want to actually accomplish the goals you've set for yourself in 2024, you need a system that you can fall back on when the going gets tough. For a system that I've personally used for myself and with countless clients, check out my NEW goal-setting course available HERE.

Note that I will never spam you with emails to sign up, and will simply keep this section at the top my newsletter.

Healthy Imbalance

For many, the goal of life is often balance. We hear about "work life balance," we aim to eat a balanced diet, we try to balance our activities to be well-rounded individuals. In many ways, balance is encouraged in all facets of our lives.

But this push for balance has led many to forget what is necessary when trying to achieve something meaningful. There are times in life where balance must inevitably get tossed out the window. During these times, aiming for balance will lead directly to failure.

If you're building a company, the early days will likely involve very little balance. Long days and longer nights are the norm. If you have any other expectation, then you likely aren't fit to be an entrepreneur. All-nighters are sometimes the cost of doing business when you're in the trenches.

We vilify these efforts as excessive or unstable, but the reality is that they are necessary in certain circumstances. Achievement in any realm requires brief periods of substantial imbalance. Life often occurs in seasons, and some seasons require you to bury your head, do the work, and not come up for air until you've finished whatever needed to get done.

The balance comes from periods of recovery following these efforts. We can't burn the candle at both ends every day of our life and expect a positive outcome. But we also can't expect to succeed without doing everything necessary when it's called for. Sprints followed by bouts of rest and recovery are healthy (and required).

So when seeking balance in your life, realize that certain periods may not seem balanced at all. Working long nights, studying excessively, shunning social events to train for a physical feat -- these are the tolls paid on the road to success. As long as you remember to recharge when you've achieved your goals, balance can still be achieved; it may just look a little different than you expected.

Hit List

The best things I've encountered this week:

What I'm reading: The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle

I originally read this book several years ago, but dug back into it as part of a book club. We often hear the term "company culture" thrown around, but this book does an excellent job of breaking down the fundamental pieces required for a winning culture with examples from several high-performing teams.

What I'm also reading: "6 Questions to Ask at the Midpoint of Your Career" by Rebecca Knight

I stumbled across this article and found it particularly helpful given that I'm currently pivoting in my own career. Doing some basic reflection on these questions was a useful exercise for me, and I think they are worth asking no matter which phase of professional life you find yourself in.

An interesting statistic: 14 and 12 years

These are the figures for women and men, respectively, of length-of-life increases from the following behaviors:

  • 30 minutes of daily movement
  • Limited alcohol
  • A lower percentage of body fat
  • Avoidance of smoking
  • Eating a nutritious diet

I originally saw this data in a recent issue of Arnold's Pump Club and wanted to share it here.

Screenshot of the Week:

Quote of the Week:

"Growth and comfort never coexist.”- Ginni Rometty

Let's work together

When you're ready, here are a few ways I can help you:

  1. Check out the latest episodes of my podcast 🎙
  2. Apply for 1-on-1 coaching 🏆
  3. Purchase my goal-setting course 🚦

Justin Wright

Former chemist, former pro athlete, and current film producer sharing the lessons I've learned along the way.

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If you're being forwarded this message, you can click HERE to subscribe yourself. Accomplish your goals this year! If you want to actually accomplish the goals you've set for yourself in 2024, you need a system that you can fall back on when the going gets tough. For a system that I've personally used for myself and with countless clients, check out my NEW goal-setting course available HERE. Note that I will never spam you with emails to sign up, and will simply keep this section at the top...

4 days ago • 3 min read

If you're being forwarded this message, you can click HERE to subscribe yourself. Accomplish your goals this year! If you want to actually accomplish the goals you've set for yourself in 2024, you need a system that you can fall back on when the going gets tough. For a system that I've personally used for myself and with countless clients, check out my NEW goal-setting course available HERE. Note that I will never spam you with emails to sign up, and will simply keep this section at the top...

11 days ago • 3 min read

If you're being forwarded this message, you can click HERE to subscribe yourself. Accomplish your goals this year! If you want to actually accomplish the goals you've set for yourself in 2024, you need a system that you can fall back on when the going gets tough. For a system that I've personally used for myself and with countless clients, check out my NEW goal-setting course available HERE. Note that I will never spam you with emails to sign up, and will simply keep this section at the top...

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