
Justin Wright

Monday Velocity - Old Friendships

Published 3 months ago • 3 min read

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Old Friendships

I had the pleasure of visiting one of my closest, and oldest, friends this past weekend at his home in Seattle. Since we live on opposite coasts now, we don’t get a chance to see each other often. One of my goals this year was to make the extra effort to see him out West instead of just relying on our normal Thanksgiving run-in back in our hometown.

As I was reading a book to his oldest son before bedtime, it dawned on me just how important maintaining these relationships is. This is something I talk about in this newsletter and on my social media channels often, but it’s so critical to understand. Relationships take more and more effort as we age. The sad reality is that many people out there don’t put in this extra effort.

While there, we spent Saturday meeting up with one of our other high school friends. My wife and I, my best friend’s family, and our other friend’s family took a journey, five kids in tow, to grab lunch and explore. At one point, we snapped a picture: us three friends, smiling at the camera, 20 years later. There’s something special in that.

We spent the day sharing our favorite stories, talking about video game nights at each other’s houses. Memories of our youth were interspersed with moments of the dads watching over their kids, creating this beautiful juxtaposition of our lives as children and adults. Everything truly does come full circle.

In all this, I was incredibly grateful that I had taken the time to make this trip. It was a little extra effort to fly across the US for a weekend. It was a little extra effort to pack my friend’s kids in our rental car and drive into downtown Seattle. It was a little extra effort to pack five kids into two strollers and make sure everyone got to lunch without losing a shoe. But this extra effort was all worth it. I’m writing this newsletter on a flight back home filled with gratitude for these friendships that have lasted decades.

Where can you put a little extra effort this week? Which friend can you go visit, or plan a trip to see? If a trip isn’t feasible, can you pick up the phone and call? Spending a few minutes checking in, hearing someone’s voice, can make all the difference. Life gets lonely as we age, unless we specifically make efforts to fight off this loneliness. So make the effort — I promise you it’s worth your time.

Hit List

The best things I've encountered this week:

What I'm reading: Are you eating too much protein?" from Arnold's Pump Club

I saw a few articles floating around the last couple of weeks claiming that previous protein targets were far too high and that, from a survivability standpoint, human beings didn't need anywhere near that much. Unfortunately, most of these studies take bare minimums into account and don't dig deeper into the role adequate protein intake plays in maintenance of muscle tissue. Nutrition is a hot-button topic with a lot of misinformation, but this article throws around some more realistic numbers with proper reasoning behind these suggestions.

What I'm also reading: "Heavy Resistance Training Versus Plyometric Training for Improving Running Economy and Running Time Trial Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis" by Eihara et al

This paper highlights an interesting study on the efficacy of strength training and plyometric training for increasing running efficiency. What the study found was that strength training actually had a positive effect on running efficiency. Specifically, training with 90 percent of maximum weight for 1-4 repetitions had the best carryover.

I've long pushed for runners to incorporate strength training in their routines, largely for injury prevention. The results of this study may convince more to take me up on that advice!

Screenshot of the Week:

Quote of the Week:

"The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.”- Woodrow Wilson

Let's work together

When you're ready, here are a few ways I can help you:

  1. Check out the latest episodes of my podcast 🎙
  2. Apply for 1-on-1 coaching 🏆
  3. Purchase my goal-setting course 🚦

Justin Wright

Former chemist, former pro athlete, and current film producer sharing the lessons I've learned along the way.

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If you're being forwarded this message, you can click HERE to subscribe yourself. Accomplish your goals this year! If you want to actually accomplish the goals you've set for yourself in 2024, you need a system that you can fall back on when the going gets tough. For a system that I've personally used for myself and with countless clients, check out my NEW goal-setting course available HERE. Note that I will never spam you with emails to sign up, and will simply keep this section at the top...

4 days ago • 3 min read

If you're being forwarded this message, you can click HERE to subscribe yourself. Accomplish your goals this year! If you want to actually accomplish the goals you've set for yourself in 2024, you need a system that you can fall back on when the going gets tough. For a system that I've personally used for myself and with countless clients, check out my NEW goal-setting course available HERE. Note that I will never spam you with emails to sign up, and will simply keep this section at the top...

11 days ago • 3 min read

If you're being forwarded this message, you can click HERE to subscribe yourself. Accomplish your goals this year! If you want to actually accomplish the goals you've set for yourself in 2024, you need a system that you can fall back on when the going gets tough. For a system that I've personally used for myself and with countless clients, check out my NEW goal-setting course available HERE. Note that I will never spam you with emails to sign up, and will simply keep this section at the top...

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